Undocumented and sex worker

Do you not have a valid residence permit? Then you are not allowed to stay in the Netherlands. You are then called ‘undocumented’.

Where can you go for help?

If you are undocumented, you are not entitled to some social services. Such as housing allowance or benefits. However, you can often get help from church organizations and other non-governmental organizations, such as the Food Bank.
It is possible that (especially) church organizations will want you to stop your sex work. It is your choice whether you want to stop or continue. If you do not want to stop, it might be wise to seek help from another organization.


You always have the right to "medically necessary care" and legal assistance. You receive legal assistance when you need help if you run into trouble with the law or with the police.
Doctors and hospitals are required to help anyone with urgent and serious complaints. The doctor decides when something is considered "urgent."

There is special government funding to pay for this care. If you cannot pay the bill, you must inform the healthcare provider that is helping you, such as the doctor or hospital you are visiting. They are not allowed to refuse you treatment because of this. The healthcare provider can claim the costs for the care from the CAK.
Healthcare providers often try to make you pay first, or offer you the option to pay in installments. You can refuse this if you don't have enough money. Also then the CAK will cover the costs.

You can find more information here: https://www.stichtinglos.nl/content/gezondheidszorg (page in Dutch).

Police and Legal assistance

You may experience something unpleasant, for example in your sex work, that you want to report to the police. According to the law, the police are not allowed to cause you problems because you do not have a residence permit. Unfortunately, this still sometimes happens.
Do you want to go to the police? First, ask for help from us or from the Complaints Desk for Sex Workers. This way, you will receive assistance with filing a report. In some cases, you may also be entitled to compensation.
Complaints Desk for Sex Workers: https://www.sekswerk.info/en/complaints-desk 

If you need a lawyer or other assistance with legal issues, you can be helped by ‘het Juridisch Loket’ (Legal aid office) or by ‘de Sociale Raadslieden’ (social counselors). If you have a low (or no) income, you usually do not have to pay for this.
Find Social Counselors by province: https://www.sociaalwerknederland.nl/sociaal-raadslieden (website in Dutch)
Juridisch Loket: https://www.juridischloket.nl/ (website in Dutch)


It is forbidden to work if you do not have a residence document or work permit, including as a sex worker.
The employer (the one who is paying you) can be a company or an individual. They can receive a heavy fine for employing someone without the proper documentation.
The employee (you) cannot be fined for this. However, you can be detained in an immigration detention center and be deported to your home country.
Do not be easily intimidated if your employer threatens to go to the police, as they themselves are at risk of a heavy fine if it is discovered that you were working there without proper papers.

Places where undocumented people can get help: